Alan Wickham describes himself as working class lad made good, who secretly signed-up for night school in Brighton in 1962, unbeknown to his parents.

"They would have been horrified," says Alan, who progressed rapidly.

Despite lacking O-levels, his flair for drawing and design was soon spotted and developed at Eastbourne Art College, "which was the greatest thing to happen to me - and I could wear a college scarf," he adds proudly.

Specialising in graphic design, Alan's ability was soon in demand - for posters, book covers, illustrations, logos, cartoons and caricatures.

As art director at a London advertising agency in the Swinging Sixties, Alan shared a flat with David Bowie and recounts how Bowie always refused to do washing up.

A successful advertising career produced widely-recognised images, from Woodbine cigarettes and Camp Coffee to the ubiquitous Smith's crisp packet and Guinness can.

Now established and widely-respected as an artist, designer, caricaturist and illustrator, Alan exhibits nationally and internationally, with cartoons regularly appearing in national publications.

An enchanting storyteller, too, Alan is a great believer in using art to educate children and will be drawing Harry Potter-themed cartoons at Hove library on June 21.

For more information, call 01273 693701.

Preview by Keith Jago,