I am appalled at the audacity of Brighton and Hove City Council and the cruel complainers regarding Olive Taylor.

I am visiting from California. I read the article in The Argus regarding Olive's highly commendable hard work for charities in recycling rubbish.

Unfortunately, Olive is being demeaned instead of decorated. It is disgusting.

I say rubbish and shame on all of you for threatening to put 78-year-old Olive out of the home she has lived in since a child if she does not clear up her kindness collections in a month. What is this so-called civilised country coming to? Why not help her?

The council and complainers should do a minuscule of what Olive has done. Perhaps they should all get off their lazy duffs and help Olive with her kind work and recycling efforts.

If everyone did that instead of this bureaucratic, petty, childish, nonsense, Brighton and Hove would certainly be a much nicer, cleaner place than it is.

I am terribly disappointed that such good works as Olive's are punished, instead of being highly honoured, supported and rewarded.

I thought councils in the USA were whacko but Brighton and Hove takes the cake. Are you still in the Dark Ages?

-Mary Atkinson, California, USA