I read with anger that Olive Taylor is facing eviction from the house she has considered to be her home for the past 70 years.

Her crime, apparently, is that she has accumulated a large amount of rubbish in her garden.

This lady has, over the years, raised very large sums of money for charities by collecting and selling litter which she has found in the streets of our city.

According to Loive's close neighbours - who have not complained - it does not smell and she sorts it out every day. She is a soft target for Brighton and Hove City Council bully-boys and therefore the full weight of the law swings into action and she has until June 30 to remove it.

Sadly, such eccentricities are not to be tolerated and in spite of it being less costly for the council to simply collect and dispose of this itself, it would rather spend far more money in legal and administration charges.

If Olive is evicted, what happens then? The council will have to find somewhere for her to live.

You do not have to walk far in Brighton and Hove to see large areas of litter being created daily by the customers of fast food and drinks outlets but does anyone ever recall a pedestrian being fined for dropping litter?

-Anthony Evans, Saltdean, Brighton