Hundreds of people turned out to show their opposition to plans for a landfill site near their Mid Sussex homes.

Villagers watched as a 35-tonne articulated lorry drove around narrow country lanes in the Danehill area.

The 50ft vehicle was borrowed by members of the Freshfield Action Group on Saturday to protest at plans for a landfill site at the Freshfield Lane Brickworks, near Horsted Keynes.

FAG member Elaine Seear said: "People were lining the roads and cheering as we went past. They honked their horns and gave the thumbs-up.

"We had the biggest response in Danehill, where almost 100 residents turned out with their children, dogs, and horses. But we also had many people in villages such as Lindfield and Horsted Keynes.

"We want people to realise this is an area of outstanding natural beauty and these huge lorries will be travelling on the roads and causing safety and traffic problems.

"Drivers had to pull over because we could not pass each other on the narrow roads. We wanted to show it would be like this if the site got the go-ahead.

"We hope we have reminded people to get their written objections to West Sussex County Council before the deadline at the end of the month."

The brickworks is one of five sites for waste disposal being considered by the county council.

Others are the Newtimber Chalkpit at Pyecombe, the Keymer Tileworks at Burgess Hill, the former sewage treatment works at Burgess Hill and a site at Imberhorne Lane, East Grinstead.