How wonderful to live in this so-called free and democratic country of ours. Especially when an MP wants to legislate as to what type of vehicle a person is allowed to drive.

Most of us would like to have a big 4x4. It is about the only protection one can get from the idiotic boy racers the police seem so inept at catching.

If Norman Baker wants to do something really useful, why not get the Government to send one week's pension in four direct to the Town Hall? This would save us a trip once a month to pay our community tax.

Now our ex ship's waiter- cum-Deputy Prime Minister has diverted funds from the council to "oop North". More than a quarter of my pension is needed to pay this staggering 16.5 per cent rise in council tax and what do we get for it?

Absolutely nothing, except a lot of extra waffle from the town hall.

-Barrie Cook, Elm Drive, Hove