There could hardly be a better time for promoting tourism in Sussex and the rest of the South-East.

The soaring euro is making it much more expensive for people to spend holidays in their favourite spots in much of Europe.

Meanwhile, fears of terrorism are making many people think twice before going to long-haul destinations.

Robert Collier, the first managing director of Tourism South-East, will be well placed to take advantage of these circumstances.

The new organisation is the result of a merger of the Southern and South-Eastern tourist boards.

One of his first tasks must be to get a fairer share of public tourism cash for the south-east. At present, it receives only a fraction of the money allocated for Scotland and Wales.

He also needs to ensure tourism in the region is co-ordinated so attractions speak with one voice.

Sussex has been hit hard in the last three years by flooding and by foot-and-mouth disease.

But it is one of the most glorious counties in England with beautiful countryside and 80 miles of coastline.

Thousands of jobs are based on tourism, which generates millions of pounds in income each year.

Mr Collier has an exceptional product to promote. With everyone working together, the county can benefit hugely.