A customer says he was lucky not to be killed when a car smashed through the window of a Sussex barber's shop.

Ian Reynolds, 33, was waiting for a cut at Sharp Style barber's when a Renault 21 careered into the shop and landed on his right leg, pinning him to the ground.

It took emergency services 50 minutes to release him using airbags.

The keen sportsman is now back on his feet despite suffering an injured lower back, sprained ankle, a gash on his left shin and severe bruising.

Mr Reynolds, of Grange Court Drive, Bexhill, said: "It could definitely have killed me. The paramedics could not believe it and said what a very, very lucky man I was.

"I am a firm believer in guardian angels and I'm sure somebody was looking down on me that day."

Mr Reynolds, who is unlikely to return to his marketing job with Barclays for another six weeks, decided to have a haircut when a golfing partner had cried off that morning.

He was looking out of the window when the drama unfolded last Monday at the barber's in Buckhurst Place, Bexhill.

He said: "The car just came hurtling into the shop at speed. I managed to take at least two steps into the shop and I said, 'Look out,' and the guy getting his haircut and the owner managed to jump out of the way.

"I heard this big bang and I just closed my eyes and thought, 'It's going to hit me,' and sure enough it did. It whacked me to the back of the shop, where I smashed into a table.

"One of my legs went through the radiator grille and down the gap between the engine and the front wheel on the driver's side and my other leg was out in front of me. It was like a Torvill and Dean finishing position.

"There was a delay before the pain kicked in and the barber asked the driver if he could reverse the car.

"He tried a couple of times and then suddenly the pain kicked in and I told them not to move the car whatever they did.

"I was leaning against the radiator as well and I had visions of it catching fire or burning me. I realised that all the brick, rubble and car were all on my right ankle.

"It was miraculous that it did not do me more damage."

Mr Reynolds was taken to the Conquest Hospital in Hastings and later discharged the same day.

Owner of the barber's Keith Green said he and another customer managed to sidestep the car as it crashed through the window but Ian was unable to get out of the way.

"It did a considerable amount of damage," he added.