A doctors' surgery and health centre could be built on a former landfill site in Eastbourne.

Eastbourne Borough Council's planning committee were today considering proposals for a two-storey building south of Elm Grove, Hampden Park, at a meeting today.

The plans include parking for 51 cars.

The application has sparked protests from some Elm Grove residents who fear problems with shopping trolleys and rubbish being dumped in a nearby stream would get worse.

Fears were also raised about loss of green space, increased noise, lack of privacy and parking problems.

A report from head of planning Tim Cookson said: "The residents are concerned these will be exacerbated if permission is granted for the proposed health centre and therefore the current problems should be resolved first."

Other residents have asked why an existing surgery in the area could not be developed instead.

The site, a former tip, has been earmarked for a surgery as part of the draft borough plan.

Planning officers have recommended the scheme for approval subject to conditions.