Eastbourne residents look set to have a say on the future of a redundant Grade II listed church.

Worshippers at St Elisabeth's Church in Victoria Drive had to move to a neighbouring hall as the church began to fall slowly into decline, notching up repair bills of £3m.

Council officers will recommend a public consultation period with heritage and church groups and residents at a planning and licensing meeting today.

The church has a wealth of important features including murals by artist Hans Feibusch sitting in the crypt, considered to be of great historical and architectural importance.

Philip Thomas, consultant senior planner at Eastbourne Borough Council, said: "Because St Elisabeth's is such a prominent and important building, the wider community should be invited to have their say on future plans for the site.

"The church and heritage agencies should also be asked for their formal comments on the brief at this time."

The building, which dominates the Old Town skyline, is considered a good example of Thirties architecture and unique in Eastbourne.

Planning officers have recommended that six weeks are put aside throughout the summer to ask residents and worshippers their views.

Mr Thomas said the size and scale of the church's repairs would make it difficult to find a viable use for the building, but as a listed building it must be found a purpose.

He cited examples of redundant church buildings in other parts of the country used as housing schemes, arts production and theatre use as well as commercial use.

The meeting takes place at the town hall at 4.30pm.