A couple had their cycles stolen after finishing the London to Brighton charity bike ride at the weekend.

Alan Gosling, 22, and Rebecca Bavister, 18, left their mountain bikes chained together on the seafront while they recovered on the beach from the 57-mile trek.

The couple were part of a 25-strong team who came from Wiltshire to take part.

When they returned to their coach, parked at the eastern end of Madeira Drive, the bikes were no longer there.

Mr Gosling's bike was a Claude Butler mountain bike worth £300. His girlfriend had borrowed one from a friend who had built it himself. It was worth at least £400.

Mr Gosling said: "It was a really nice day until we got home and realised the bikes were not there.

"I have only had my bike two months. I am more upset that we borrowed a friend's bike and it has gone."

One other bike was reported stolen from the area on Saturday but police could not confirm whether it was used in the ride.

A spokeswoman said: "We have every sympathy for this gentleman. He was obviously aiming to raise money for a very worthwhile charity and this is very sad.

"If anyone has any information regarding the thefts we ask them to contact us."