Jetskiers hurtling through bathing waters off Worthing are putting swimmers at risk proving a growing problem for beach authorities.

Worthing foreshore inspector Ian Miller said warning reckless water bikers and speedboats to stick to the speed limit took up time which could be better spent keeping an eye on swimmers.

A total of 15 jetskiers and six speedboat owners were chastised for racing through bathing areas by the Worthing safety boat at the weekend.

Mr Miller said: "People have a right of navigation at Worthing.

"If they ensure their speed is below eight knots and they do not behave in a dangerous manner they can go through beach areas.

"But they have got to have a regard for safety. We're not into stopping people's fun but we are trying to minimise the risks."

A Solent Coastguard spokeswoman said people often reported jet-skiers to the coastguard but regulatory powers rested with local authorities.

Bylaws regarding motor-powered crafts at Worthing are limited to stopping people exceeding the speed limit or steering dangerously. They are in effect from May to September and those who continually breach them are reported to police.

Leading Worthing councillors have complained how some jetskiers do not stick to a lane marked by buoys opposite the Goring launching ramp or keep outside a line of buoys running parallel to the seafront away from swimming areas.

Leisure officer John Thorpe said Worthing Borough Council had asked the Government for additional powers to curb irresponsible behaviour but requests had been rejected.