In reply to the latest outburst from Worthing Councillor Peter Green (Letters, June 11) section in which the councillor reacted to my previous letter regarding animal welfare.

I am sure Coun Green is no fool but has been misinformed in this matter. Unfortunately, this does lend weight to

the impression that council officers are too often selected on the basis of availability rather than suitability.

Obviously, Willowbank drain is not fast running at

present, this spring has been exceptionally dry with very little draining into the deep-cut channel.

This state will change after a period of rain and the water levels will rise up the steep sides of the drain dramatically.

During the period we guarded the nest site from yob attack water levels fluctuated by as much as six inches.

Indeed, I recall instances of mute swan nests being totally swamped at the Brooklands end of the same channel.

Coun Green's comments regarding the attractiveness of the area are subjective but those planted trees he mentions, lining the drain, are an added hazard to swan welfare when in flight.

If he considers the area to

be a wildlife haven, why not

clean it up and designate it a nature reserve, thus declaring a moratorium on future developments.

Similarly, his knowledge

of yob behaviour has an

authoritarian ring which I would not presume to

challenge but this year's

problems were well reported and not imaginary.

Before he embarks on further dialogue, may I suggest he visits the site personally.

For his guidance, the drain runs on a NW to SE bearing and the map reference on my GPS for the nest is TQ1619603878 being visually located by overhead power lines - which he states are not there.

Coun Green should establish the facts first hand and then be man enough to offer an apology - not to myself but to Trevor Weeks - for your ridiculous assertions on this matter.

West Sussex Wildlife

Protection Group,
