I am afraid Dr Alan Bond (Letter, June 19) may be missing the point regarding David Panter's stunt with a bunch of bananas.

Like many people, I found the image insulting to bananas.

On a more serious note, had the chief executive of Brighton and Hove City Council been promoting Martin Luther King Day to the people of Brighton and Hove by sporting a jar of Robinson's Jam or a golliwog, would this have been deemed appropriate?

The image would be deemed racist, offensive to black people - and rightly so.

Like many gay people, I found the Top Fruit headline and image unfortunate.

While the council is working hard to eradicate the bullying and name calling that blights the lives of many young lesbian and gay children in Brighton's schools, as part of its anti-bullying programme, it does not help when one of the most prominent and public homosexuals in town is branded a fruit, no matter how worthy the cause or how much fun it brings to the St James's Street Action Group.

-James Ledward Gscene magazine, Western Road, Hove