I must put pen to paper regarding the shambles of a bus service run by Roger French.

On Friday, July 4, at 8.05 I went to catch the No 10 bus

at the top of The Avenue, Bevendean, Brighton. After waiting ten minutes a single-decker went sailing past, filled mostly with foreign students.

I, with the rest of the people at the stop, waited for the next one. This was also a single-decker and went sailing past, once again full to capacity with students.

When I eventually got to work after some kind person gave me a lift, I phoned to complain, only to be told the No 10 bus service doesn't warrant a double-decker as so few people use the service and that other routes have students as well, implying that people from other districts do not complain.

This happens every summer but never as bad as this one.

Perhaps Mr French should ride on this route on a weekday morning during the rush hour (unless he is too frightened).

* We are taking delivery of 18 new buses at the moment which will help us to re-deploy more double-deck buses to journeys where single-decks are full.

I am urgently looking into drafting more double-decks on to the No 10 bus route and we apologise for the inconvenience that has been experienced.

-Paul Williams, operations director, Brighton and Hove Bus and Coach Company, Conway Street, Hove