Car parks in Worthing are set to be spruced up if proposals being considered by the borough's executive on Tuesday go ahead.

The borough council is hoping to attract a private sector partner to manage, refurbish and improve its offstreet car parks under a long-term agreement.

Under the plan, private finance would be used to refurbish the main town centre multi-storey car parks, making them more user-friendly and improving security.

The private sector would manage the car parks, possibly on a profit share basis, and modernise payment systems.

Councillor Peter Green, Worthing's executive for environmental services, said: "We recognise the importance of good, affordable parking provision within Worthing.

"Our car parks - particularly the multi-storeys - are more than 30 years old and in need of considerable investment.

"By striking a deal with a private operator we hope to secure the future of car parking in the town."

Responses from potential partners are expected by August, with an operator being chosen later in the year.