Many thanks to Brighton and Hove City Council for a most enjoyable journey while travelling from Kemp Town to Hove on the seafront.

Due to roadworks by West Street I had managed to reach the Palace Pier after 15 minutes when I decided that life was too short and took a detour through town.

The resulting traffic jam at Church Street/North Street forced me through the North Laine where I was again gridlocked.

I eventually managed to reach Hove after 45 minutes.

I feel delighted that I was treated to the sights of Brighton when all I had originally wanted was a ten-minute journey along the boring old seafront.

Instead I had the exhaust fumes and the generally abusive banter of the other drivers to keep me awake.

The good news does not end there - all of this was in 23 degree heat.

I can't wait until the Brighton summer driving experience is completed by roadworks at the obviously unusable Preston Road/South Street/Preston Drove so that all of our visitors can experience what I have.

Who says forward planning and common sense is dead?

-Robert Bowden, Brighton