Councillors are turning into advertising executives to increase revenue from town buildings.

Littlehampton Town Council is considering a mail shot to promote its Manor House, new Millennium Chamber, training room and the Dairy Community Centre rooms.

The campaign is due to start next month and will involve brochures landing on doormats of local businesses and organisations.

The leaflets will promote the Manor House as a good place to hold weddings. Rooms at the council are also available for hire for meetings.

Members of the council's property and personnel department will discuss the ideas this week.

A report to councillors says: "During 2002/03 the Manor House income room hire was £1,460.

"This was achieved without any marketing media or promotional campaign.

"It is accepted that there is an element of good fortune where the facilities are used for concentrated periods for specific hirings to which the room is well suited, such as planning appeals, and this impacts on the revenue received.

"However, it is recognised that, with a more focused approach, regular bookings can be increased and income potential improved."