You report that Brighton and Hove City Council's deputy chief executive Alan McCarthy said the local authority should favour the arena plans over the alternative proposal of a Spa Hotel at Black Rock, Brighton.

You have also published in recent issues a number of letters from skating interests, welcoming the arena proposal.

Common sense seems to have disappeared from the discussion.

The arena would have a capacity of 7,000 to 11,000 spectators and the owners would aim to fill the arena with functions such as pop concerts.

The proposal doesn't contain any on-site parking.

Even if spectators travelled by bus, can you imagine what would happen to East Brighton if you tried to bus in an additional 10,000 people in for an event?

The Black Rock site is uniquely positioned by the foreshore and is the only undeveloped site on the beach.

It would be a shame to build a structure which has to be totally inward-looking, ignoring the position of the building right by the sea.

-Eike H Herold, Roedean, Brighton