Whatever our views on the Euro constitution we should be pleased the Prime Minister is offering us a referendum.

The final word will rest with the people and no one will be able to complain that they were not consulted.

I am, however, very worried by the Prime Minister's intended coalition partners in the Yes campaign, Messrs Heseltine and Clarke.

These two have the stench of political death wish about them.

They disastrously dragged us into the ERM and, along with John Major, from 1992 to 1997 ruled the roost in Government.

The end result was that on May 1, 1997 the Conservatives suffered their greatest ever General Election defeat. Mr Blair would be well advised to beware these Tories bearing gifts.

The Prime Minster should also look at the quality of the two British commissioners in the EU. They are both failed politicians. Neil Kinnock was twice rejected as Prime Minister in general elections and Chris Patten was chucked out by the voters of Bath in 1992.

-John Hodgson, Peacehaven