Redeveloping the King Alfred site is bringing out the worst in local government (The Argus, June 17).

Firstly, the process chose a 37-storey design completely inappropriate for the location. Yes, it was by a world class architect, was undeniably unique and would attract lots of attention but it paid no attention to its context.

Now the plans have been substantially revised. It seems Karis submitted one set of plans to win the competition to become preferred developers but is now proposing something completely different. Surely this cannot be right?

The current plan is nothing like the original proposal. The number of storeys has been halved and the number of homes has risen by more than a third and is now almost 50 per cent above the 400 originally envisaged.

The commercial development which could provide the infrastructure necessary to support the development has been cut.

In situations like this it is right to expect minor changes to proposed developments at this stage in the process but not something completely different.

Am I being too suspicious if I think the developers proposed something outrageous and impractical which they never believed would be built to win the competition knowing that everything could be changed at a later date?

I hate to think what the other potential developers are thinking. The council should realise they have been taken for a ride and start again.

-Chris Brand, Hove