A pub was being presented with a cheque for £237 tonight for its part in helping to save the planet.

The Setting Sun in Windmill Street, Brighton, has drastically cut water waste by installing infrared urinal controls.

It is one of several businesses in line for a Green Action award at a special gathering at the pub tonight. Other firms have received the award for converting waste paper into packaging and installing economic heating and lighting controls.

A Green Action award is a grant which contributes 50 per cent (up to a £1,000) towards an environmentally friendly project.

The awards are run by the East Sussex Business Excellence Through Resource Efficiency group.

Brighton and Hove city councillor Joyce Edmond-Smith said: "Reducing waste and improving efficiency helps businesses save money as well as being environmentally friendly.

"Business is a crucial part of making Brighton and Hove a sustainable city and I'm delighted with the efforts all have made."

Tuesday September 07, 2004