It was ironic to read of the Green Party and the Tories exercising their "democratic" right to pass a motion of no confidence in Ken Bodfish and Labour at the full Brighton and Hove City Council meeting on the issue of the future of council housing.

It must have felt lovely to get so worked up in the council chamber, to vote and to have your opinions counted. Yet these same Green and Tory councillors refuse to use their voting power to enable our 13,000 council tenants the option of voting to remain with their present council management.

They have, instead, caved in to the Government's bullying and come out in favour of an Arms Length Management Organisation which is a first step on the road to privatisation.

Their posturing in council meetings is not what we need.

It's clear tenants will have to look elsewhere to defend their interests.

For the Greens and Tories there's obviously no percentage in defending democracy where it really counts.

-Dave Bangs, Brighton