Like all cities, Brighton and Hove has its fair share of vermin.

Trevor Pateman lists rats, foxes, pigeons and seagulls that avoid the sea as wildlife which chooses Brighton and Hove as "the place to be" (Letters, March 31).

Among the four creatures mentioned is one predator - the fox. He will gladly kill any rats he comes across and, of course, pigeons or seagulls, although I know the seagull is far too intelligent to allow itself to provide a meal for the fox.

We must remember the seagull is our native bird here in Brighton and Hove and the ones that avoid the sea may have been driven back into our city due to coastal development.

I am sure Brighton and Hove City Council has regular consultations on how to deal with the city vermin.

We should look on the urban fox as a friend, helping to clear our city of rats.

I recently saw one of these foxes face to face - he was far too handsome for me to be seen as vermin.

-Gloria Wheatcroft, Co-ordinator, Brighton and Hove Area Inner City Wildlife Concern