January 2005 was the tenth anniversary of live animal exports from Shoreham.

People power through protest finally stopped this cruel trade going on through the port of Shoreham.

Unfortunately, we were unable to stop it continuing from other ports.

The UK and Ireland live exports are still going to such places as Lebanon and the Middle East on journeys lasting up to ten days.

Germany, France and the Republic of Ireland are the biggest exporters.

The animals suffer greatly on these journeys and even more so when they arrive, as current EU animal welfare legislation is rarely enforced.

European authorities also have no control over what happens to the animals so most of them are slaughtered without stunning.

This trade is made possible by EU subsidies of about 60 million euros a year.

British taxpayers are funding animal cruelty to the tune of more than £100 per animal.

impact of long distance animal transport.

I do not wish my money to further this terrible trade.

Why not slaughter the animals in the country of origin and transport the meat on the hook?

If you agree, please write to: the Rt Hon Margaret Beckett MP, Secretary of State, Dept of Environment, Food and Rural affairs, Nobel House , 17 Smith Square, London SW1P 3JR.

Judy Way

-Overhill, Southwick