Half-naked bodies writhing in a mass of hamburgers, cola and ketchup is no ordinary way to protest against globalisation but Rodrigo Garcia is no ordinary director.

The controversial Argentinean has made his name as a virile and energetic critic of modern life and this brutal piece of performance theatre is one of his most dark and scandalous offerings.

The Story Of Ronald, The Clown From McDonalds is an attack on the hypocrisy of nations and a critique of rampant consumption and consumerism, powerfully presented by Garcias renegade theatrical group La Carniceria Teatro (literally, the Butcher Of Theatre).

Famous for their experimentation, they have sought out a new language of theatre, opposed to the crushing conformity engulfing our lives. The result is a performance as shocking as it is powerful.

Garcia is a writer, director and scenographer who moved to Spain in 1986 and established his theatre company three years later.

He has won several prizes for his work and his texts have been translated into many languages and performed across the world.

Starts 8pm. £18, £12.50.