As a resident of the Brighton Pavilion ward, I think more of Brighton & Hove's councillors should take a vocal stand against the plans for a waste reclamation and waste transfer site in Hollingbury.

During the recent General Election, there was a considerable swing towards the Green Party in this ward. I believe a large part of that is thanks to the Green Party councillors, who were active in opposing the plans.

By contrast, there has been very little noise made by any other party and merely a letter suggesting a review of alternative sites by our current Labour MP, David Lepper.

Now is the time for action by all councillors unless the Greens are to wholly own this issue.

I am sure the other political parties will understand how easily this issue could be converted into votes in future elections, especially at a local level.

A walk along any of the streets in the area reveals most people are aware of the plans and the consequences, should they go ahead.

Most residents are unforthcoming about their politics - there were very few political posters in windows leading up to the election. However, the majority of houses are now showing posters opposing the plans.

It is wrong to have such a site in the middle of a residential area and the sooner councillors wake up to this particular piece of nonsense in the local waste plan, the better for inhabitants of this ward - and those councillors who would like to be re-elected.

-Charlie Burnham, Brighton