Thank you to all those voters and supporters who put their faith in the Liberal Democrats and myself, Hazel Thorpe.

While my campaign was not in the same league as the professional politicians, our team gained a respectable result.

We improved our share of the vote by almost four per cent (7,171) to 16.51 per cent and will continue to do so.

I wish David Lepper well, as he has proved to be a rival of integrity. He still faces many issues in Brighton and his task, which cannot be solved by mere hype, will not be an easy one.

I would also like to thank those residents who personally contacted me during the campaign, it made a difference and was much appreciated.

I signed many pledges, including Make My Vote Count, which I intend to do.

May I also take this opportunity to thank all the Liberal Democrat voters of Worthing on behalf of my husband Robin Rogers and also Nick Rodgers.

-Councillor Hazel Thorpe, Tarring ward