As a keen environmentalist, I use buses when I can but am constantly let down by a service which is expensive and doesn't do justice to a city with a fine reputation for its annual festival.

The Seven Deadly Sins at Wild Park on Saturday (May 21) was a case in point.

Begining at 9.15pm, it attracted tens of thousands of people and yet the bus service ran only every 20 minutes.

My son and I arrived at a bus stop near the Vogue Gyratory at 8.55pm. The first bus arrived at 9.15pm but was so crowded we couldn't get on.

The second arrived at 9.35pm, as hopes of seeing the event began to fade. Although crowded, we managed to squeeze on, arriving at Wild Park too late to see much of the activity.

The council wants us to leave cars at home and look after the local environment. But we need a sophisticated, economical transport system. to do so. Where is it?

-Ann Blackburn, Brighton