A man forced out of his home by a series of burglaries handcuffed himself to a council office in a desperate attempt to get re-housed.

Stephen Mercer, 36, has been living for nine weeks in a one-bedroom flat in Burlington Street, Brighton, with his wife, Sallyanne, 32, their children Joseph, three, and Lauren, two, and Mrs Mercer's 14-year-old son Ryan.

The family moved out of their home in Orchid View, Brighton, after they were burgled three times in a year.

The final straw came when Mr Mercer and his wife were assaulted by intruders in February.

The tenancy on their flat runs out on Sunday.

Mr Mercer yesterday handcuffed himself to a chair he had grabbed from the Oxford Street housing office, in Brighton, and sat in the doorway to stop staff closing the office at 5pm.

Police were expected to turn up but Mr Mercer put an end to his stand-off at 6.50pm after agreeing to meet housing officers this morning to discuss his case.

He says he will repeat his demonstration if Brighton and Hove City Council does not find suitable accommodation for his family.

He said: "We have been in temporary accommodation since February. The council is saying we should go back to Orchid View but my two children are petrified because they witnessed the attack there. My wife is on diazepam.

"The council is pushing us from pillar to post. It is diabolical there are so many homeless families in Brighton.

"We have been in temporary accommodation for almost four months but God knows what it is like for people on the street.

"Trying to get accommodation out of the council is like trying to get blood out of a stone."

Mr Mercer, his wife and their two youngest children had initially been re-housed in the Wardley Hotel in Somerhill Avenue, Hove.

After one week, the family was moved out - but only offered a one-bedroom flat.

Mr Mercer says he will bring his whole family and their belongings to the housing office on Monday if they still have not been re-housed.

A spokesman for the council said: "As a priority transfer Mr Mercer was given one offer of alternative accommodation. This offer was assessed as being of suitable for the size of his family.

"However, he refused to accept it. We have been trying to co-operate with Mr Mercer and have offered him appointments to resolve matters.

"We have advised him to seek independent advice should he wish to challenge the council's decision. We hope agreement can be reached soon."