I wonder how Reverend Debbie Gaston and Elaine Cook can square their relationship with what God says about homosexuality - the Bible calls it an "abomination".

Rev Gaston says she had an email from a Church of England priest who was "thrilled" and added, "It is time the hypocrisy of the church was seen".

How can obeying God be hypocrisy?

I always thought obeying God was the reason the Church existed. I also thought it was the Church's job to explain God's law, not change the ones they dislike.

If we wait long enough, maybe the Church will allow gambling, stealing, or breaking of any of the Ten Commandments or other laws in the Bible.

I don't care what people do in their private lives and am not homophobic. I'm just can't understand how these two opposing views can both be correct.

Perhaps the Rev Gaston could answer me. After all, she should know.

-Mal Standing, Peacehaven