Every householder gets junk mail and Brighton and Hove City Council is obliged, under a government directive, to recycle it and paper in general.

I believe recycling paper is not commercially viable because the resale value of recycled paper is less than the cost of recycling it. Council tax-payers are, therefore, picking up the tab.

One of the annoying sources of junk mail is the Royal Mail's "WalkSort", which is delivered according to your postcode.

As we share our postcodes with our neighbours, this type of junk mail cannot be stopped by signing up to the mailing preference service.

It should be possible to stop this junk mail by writing to your local sorting office. But I have written twice and, more recently, phoned twice, with no effect.

I have been told postal staff get paid for delivering it so there is a conflict of interest.

Surely it would be a good idea for the council, in conjunction with the Royal Mail, to set up a scheme so residents could opt out of receiving WalkSort mail?

Such a scheme would save tons of paper and hopefully result in lower council tax bills and a better environment.

-John Duggan, Saltdean