Most patients would probably agree with Ivy Partridge (Letters, June 7), that the NHS is doing a good job, providing problems caused by years of underfunding are excluded.

We all finance the NHS, are all its customers and we all want a service we and its staff can be proud of. New buildings and equipment take time but the staff should be paid enough to be able to live in Brighton and not wait years for a subsidised home to be built.

The Argus has reported the latest deplorable MRSA statistics in Brighton yet these are despite the large numbers of hospital managers. If they can't improve matters, they should hand back administration to hospital staff. With the right management training, it is these employees who would probably do a better job running the hospital.

The final option will be privatisation and, judging by the statistics, this will not be long.

After all, it's not jobs which are most important, it's patients' lives.

-David Morris, Brighton