AN MP is calling for working parents with children up to 16-years-old to be given the legal right to request flexible working hours from their employers.

Brighton Pavilion MP David Lepper is supporting a trade union campaign to help parents achieve a balance between their work and leisure time.

He has welcomed the publication of a leaflet by retail union Usdaw informing parents about their rights at work and the financial support available to them.

He is also seeking parents' views about what the Government should do to help them.

Mr Lepper said: "Thousands of working parents breathe a sigh of relief when the summer holidays are over. It can be a time of stress and financial hardship when they need to pay for expensive childcare or take unpaid leave.

"But many parents tell me they struggle with their work-life balance during term time. They find it hard to see enough of their children, especially if they have to work evenings or weekends.

"That's why I am supporting this Usdaw campaign for the right to request flexible working to be extended to all working parents of children up to 16-years-old. Currently only parents of children aged under six have this right. The Government is looking at including more parents and I hope they will do soon."

Parents who are facing difficulties balancing work and family life can write to Mr Lepper at John Saunders House, 179 Preston Road, Brighton BN1 6AG.

All information will be kept confidential and the MP hopes to use it to lobby the Government.

Copies of the Usdaw leaflet on parents' rights at work and financial support is available at the union's website at Tuesday, September 6 2005