The big Welshman wants to go because of the flak he has received from fans. And that has upset manager Micky Adams.

"I'm immensely disappointed that a boy has come in to see me and wants to leave the club because he feels he is not being given a fair crack of the whip by the fans," Adams said.

"I am disappointed it has come to this and that he feels he has got to bow to fan pressure.

"Mark is a great lad. Which ever eleven lads I put out on the pitch in the blue and white stripes, they are representing Albion and the fans have got to get behind them.

"They are going out to give their best for the supporters and the club."

Walton, 30, has been given a rough ride by supporters ever since his £20,000 move from Fulham 15 months ago.

He was first choice for the first two months last season when Brian Horton was manager before losing his place to the popular Mark Ormerod in a fluctuating battle to be No. 1.


Walton, who helped Fulham win promotion under Adams, shed one and a half stones in a summer fitness campaign.

He regained the jersey for five games after Ormerod played the first five matches this season, until losing his place for last Saturday's win over Cheltenham, when Warren Aspinall also came under fire from fans.

Ex-Welsh under 21 international Walton was back in the Reserves last night at Portsmouth.

Former Albion favourite John Keeley, now the club's part-time goalkeeping coach, said: "As a goalkeeper you want the crowd on your side because it gives you a certain amount of confidence, especially when you are playing at home.

"Mark looks ever so fit now and the way he has trained and looked after himself in the summer shows he wants to prove to people he is a good goalie."


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