FORMER managers Ted Shepherd and Billy Smith are part of rival consortia bidding to take over Crawley Town.

Shepherd has teamed-up with former director Bruce Winfield while Smith is part of a group fronted by current director John Duly who financed the costs when the club went into administration.

Both have tabled bids with administrator Malcolm Fillmore who hopes to unveil the new owners at some stage today and the long-term future of the club will be revealed at a press conference at the Broadfield Stadium on Friday.

I understand that Smith, who resigned at the end of last season, would replace Cliff Cant as manager should Duly's bid be successful and that Shepherd, who left the club nearly five years ago, is in line to return as boss should Winfield take control.

Administrators took over the running of the club in August as they struggled with massive debts of £380,000.

Earlier this month, chairman John Maggs was sacked after 38 years at the club from his post as full-time chairman.

Several parties have expressed an interest in taking control, including a group fronted by former Albion and Worthing boss Barry Lloyd.

Lloyd told the Argus last week that he would relish the chance of returning to management and was obviously targeting Crawley.

But it now appears that either Duly or Winfield's consortium will get the nod.

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