I cannot believe the arrogance of the recent article recommending Newhaven as the site for the new incinerator (Argus, July 5).

Not only does Brighton have to dump all its sewage over its border, it now wants to burn all its rubbish in Newhaven.

Is there nowhere else to site it?

Should Newhaven - and let's be clear here - the whole of the Ouse Valley: Peacehaven, Seaford and beyond, be the sacrificial land because a lot of money is involved and time is short?

These incinerators are not proved safe and until they are should be sited as far away from urban areas as possible.

Newhaven is a compact town and an incinerator anywhere there would force its population and surrounding areas to breath in toxins permanently.

Money is not the issue here, it is our health, the health of our children and their children.

-Richard Goodchild, King Avenue, Newhaven