Former Labour councillor Hugh Miller is to fight the next election for the Green Party.

The 47-year-old journalist and tree surgeon has been selected as prospective Green Parliamentary candidate for the marginal seat of Brighton Kemp Town.

Mr Miller, whose nickname is Barney, was the first openly gay man to be elected to the old Brighton Council when he served a four-year term for Marine ward between 1988 and 1992.

He said: "I believe, that, given the disillusionment with traditional parties, Greens are poised for an historic breakthrough in the two towns."

Mr Miller voted Labour at the last general election but said: "Many people in Kemp Town will be reluctant to give them a second chance.

"The great thing about Brighton is that there is an alternative. The Green Party is offering voters a radical approach which puts the needs of local communities first. Our campaigns all demonstrate why it is important to give voters a Green choice."

Greens gained 11 per cent in the European elections in Kemp Town last year. They also have three members on the council.

Mr Miller chaired the council's licensing committee in the early Nineties, starting the successful extension of licensing hours for seafront businesses.

He was a member of the Brighton Festival Board and at one time helped to organise Brighton Pride. For a time, he was the only man sitting on the council's women's committee.

Mr Miller is now the Green Party's national spokesman on gay and lesbian issues.