Making a small charge for calls to visitor information centres (VICs) has done the opposite of putting people off calling them (Opinion, August 2).

The charge, publicised by Brighton and Hove Council two months ago, has been used to fund a better-staffed service. This has already been introduced in other major tourism destinations.

Previously, the vast majority of calls to our VICs got an engaged tone. Thanks to the improvements funded by the premium rate charge, in June this year we answered 9,339 calls compared to 5,742 in June 1999.

People are paying less than the price of a pint of beer - around £1.50 - for a professional service to help them plan their visit. Many are sent a pack of information worth more than that.

We still operate a 24-hour, local-rate brochure hotline, which is advertised nationally, and a free counter service for visitors once here and for residents.

Under the old system, many calls to VICs were from residents making general council enquiries and even using us as a cheap directory enquiry service. Charging encourages them to use the correct numbers.

-Amanda Shepherd, Head of tourism, Conferences and City Marketing, Brighton and Hove Council