More than 250 people packed an Oscars-style awards ceremony to celebrate this year's record-breaking Pride event.

Pride made a profit of £5,125 and the collections in pubs, restaurants and at the Preston Park venue raised £12,872, the most ever.

Crowds gathered for a night of glitz and glamour, the themes of this year's Pride, at the Revenge nightclub in the Old Steine, Brighton.

Awards were presented to 16 charities including the Older Lesbian and Gay Forum, the Unemployed Youth Project and the Sussex Beacon hospice. Compere at the ceremony was David Raven, otherwise known as Maisie Trollette, who is a figurehead for the gay community in Brighton and Hove.

Pride in Brighton and Hove events co-ordinator Jamie Jones said: "We wanted to help the charities which have supported our events and given us backing in what we do.

"Often some charities get all the attention and others are overlooked. Hopefully we have helped groups out across the board."

Of the money raised for charities, £3,030.85p came from pubs, £5,107 from clubs and £4,734.51p from parade and park collections.

The cost of Pride, whose budget was kept separate from the charity money, was £74,300.

Around 50,000 people attended, without any arrests.

Police, council representatives and community groups were present to pick up awards.

A special "Oscar" was handed out to one of the stewards for Best Delivery, after he alerted ambulances to the fact one of the revellers was about to give birth.

Mr Jones said: "In many ways it was a way to say a big thank you for a really successful and enjoyable day. The police and the council were excellent in helping it to run smoothly."