Becky Reynolds, of Bricycles, is not alone in her feelings of anger about the lack of action against motorists who selfishly double park in the cycle lane on Coombe Terrace, Lewes Road (Opinion, December 9), thus forcing cyclists to swerve around them into a lane of speeding vehicles. I have now had several near misses.

We are constantly lectured by the high and mighty about "doing your bit for the environment", but when people make the effort the back-up is not there. If it is not safe to cycle on our roads, how can people be expected to do so?

I and several other members of the Universities Bicycle Users Group have highlighted the problem of Coombe Terrace to Sussex Police but there seems to be a total lack of willingness to act on the problem.

A driver who recently knocked a cyclist off his bike and killed him had an appalling driving record and was merely fined £200 and not disqualified. What sort of message does that send out? What do cyclists have to do to get a bit of support?

-Jon Salvage,