In a Brighton supermarket two Eastern European men were in front of me in the queue, paying for their shopping with vouchers.

The ignorance and rudeness of the staff towards these men was appalling.

Incidentally, they were buying only "economy" produce, but the staff were blatant about their racist views and resentment.

The cashiers were particularly horrible and impatient when the men did not understand what they were saying and supervisors were brought over unnecessarily to add to their humiliation.

Did it not occur to these women that the customers were refugees and therefore had probably fled terrible conditions and witnessed violent atrocities?

I hope next time the supermarket workers are so quick to judge they remember that the refugees would surely rather work as poorly paid cashiers than go through what they have experienced - even if they do get free food.

The cashiers were even inciting people in the queue to join in, with despairing looks.

I wish now it hadn't shocked me so much I didn't say anything.

-Gemma Driver, Roundhill Crescent, Brighton