It amazes me that whenever one hears of a disaster such as a flood, earthquake or hurricane anywhere overseas, we are the first to be asked to donate; any bank or building society will take your donations. And if we are lucky, we are told of how many thousands of pounds have been given.

But I have heard nothing of overseas donations coming into this country to help our poor folk who have lost everything in these terrible floods that have hit so many parts of our country. It will be months before many of them can return to their homes and, even then, it will be ages before things will return to normal for them.

Farmers have lost stock as well as all their crops.

How about the Government stopping sending aid overseas and thinking a little more about charity starting at home? It seems it does so very little at times like this, except taking helicopter rides out over these devastated areas and then telling us how terrible it all looks.

Come on, Mr Blair, as I've said before, charity starts at home.

-J.K. Chisnall, Lindsey Court, Feltham, Bognor Regis