Oh well, a happy and prosperous New Year and all that to everyone.

I hope you all enjoyed Christmas. We didn't do much, just sat around enjoying each other's company.

It is now resolution time. Daughter says she will do her homework and keep her room tidy.

She will also stop putting clean clothes in the wash basket when she can't be bothered to hang them up.

This will make my life easier - so I'm pleased - and it means I will shout less which will benefit us both.

My resolution is to stop smoking - again. I am going to try the tablets this time so wish me luck.

'Him indoors' say, as he's from Yorkshire, it's not necessary for him to make New Year resolutions.

I'm not sure whether this is because he's perfect or whether it's because he knows he won't keep them and is just being honest about it.

The dog, Sam, doesn't know it yet but his resolution is to sleep in the kitchen rather than on daughter's bed.

The dog is being relegated to the kitchen at night - until he's stopped teething anyway.

His other resolutions are to stop eating shoes, barking at visitors, waking me up at 5am to be let out for a pee, barking at cats, begging at the table, trying to get the lid of the bin, and sundry other items of misbehaviour - but I guess that will do for starters.