Micky Adams suffered a blow in September when his No. 2 Alan Cork quit to join Cardiff.

Fans feared it would have a damaging effect on the revival which had just got under way. But Albion have continued to prosper since former Sheffield United and Brentford stalwart Bob Booker became Adams' new assistant at the beginning of October.

"Me and Alan had been together for a long time and we are big mates," said Adams. "But the impact was more about how other people perceived things.

"If they saw him as the top coach and Adams being left in the lurch they were sadly mistaken. I was disappointed to lose him and he was good for the players to have around, but I do the majority of the coaching.

"Bob's enthusiasm rubs off everybody. There is nothing I cannot ask him to do.

"It is like having a little apprentice under you. I have got to teach him everything.

"He had been working with the youth team at Brentford for a long time, but this is different.

"He has to know how I work and the standards I look for and he is learning. At times he is slightly naive, but he is doing okay."

As for the players, here is Adams' half-term report on his promotion-chasing squad.

Goalkeepers: "I think I have got goalkeepers with a lot to prove. Michel Kuipers, Mark Cartwright and Will Packham are working hard and they are getting specialised coaching, which is important.

"That is often neglected by clubs, especially lower down because of finances.

"We have got John Keeley, who is still learning the ropes as a goalkeeping coach, and the master as far as I am concerned in Mike Kelly. The three goalkeepers still make mistakes, but I would expect that. You only have to look at the small number of League appearances they have made between them."

Defence: "We have got the meanest defence in the League along with Rochdale.

"I still feel we can get better. I've got principles on defending, like getting tight on crosses and not allowing anybody to get free in the box.

"Generally I have been pleased. We have lost five games and four of them have been by two goals, which shows how well we have done in the rest."

Midfield: "We started off 4-4-2, but now that we have gone to 4-3-3 I think the three in midfield are really important to us.

"Paul Rogers, Charlie Oatway and Richard Carpenter have good experience. They can all put their foot on the ball and be physical.

"Richard made an average start, then got into his stride, went back and is now coming on again. When he is on song we see how important he is.

"He's had a big upheaval, a new baby and moving house. It all takes time.

"I was devastated for Warren Aspinall when he had to retire. 'Tooth' has a lot of experience, he was good in the dressing room and a strong character.

"There are other people on the fringes who can come in and do a job, Steve Melton for instance."

Forwards: "I knew when the season kicked-off all the attention would be on Bobby Zamora and it took him a while to get into the groove. It has been a big move for the boy.

"Darren Freeman was struggling with his hernia problems and Gary Hart has shown his versatility by adapting to a role he wasn't familiar with.

"Nathan Jones and Paul Brooker have both been outstanding in patches, particularly Jones early on.

"Lee Steele hasn't got going at all. He was injured in the first game and struggled for fitness.

"He got himself back into the team and scored a couple of goals but has now had a car crash.