How I agree with the comments by Daphne Hooker (Opinion, December 27) about the horrible state of Brighton and Hove's pavements. City status isn't really justified when we cannot keep our streets clean and well maintained.

Three weeks ago, I returned from a holiday in the USA and noticed fresh litter around the corner of Colebrook Road and Tongdean Lane and old plastic bags full of rubbish on the grass surrounds of Withdean Stadium. That same litter still lies untouched in those areas.

The standard of street care and rubbish removal is an absolute disgrace. There seems to be no supervision of rubbish clearance and repair of broken street signs and dreadfully damaged grass verges in the whole of this area.

Don't blame the Albion supporters - they leave the stadium area in better condition after a match than before. Action to deal with this problem is a priority.

-G. Sear, Redhill Drive, Brighton