Residents in Peacehaven and Telscombe are to have their say on how to spend £10 million of regeneration cash.

A series of Your Town - Your Say days are to be held later this month to identify projects which should receive funding.

Regional economic development chiefs have earmarked the coastal strip from East Saltdean to Peacehaven for help from the Single Regeneration Budget.

A bid for the Government money is expected to be submitted in June or July, but councils and community groups first need to identify what local people want.

John Towhill, community development worker at the Peacehaven and Telscombe House Project, said the area had deserved regeneration cash on the scale now on offer for years.

He said: "The Your Town - Your Say days will allow people to have their say and play a meaningful role in the regeneration of the two towns, after all, it is the people who live and work in the area that know best what is needed.

The sessions will be at Telscombe Civic Centre on January 15, from 7pm to 9pm, the Meridian Leisure Centre on January 20, from 10am to noon, and January 26, from 10.30am to 12.30 pm, and at Telscombe Civic Centre on January 31 from 7pm to 9pm.