To enjoy a happy New Year (well, for a four-month trial period, at least) with Brighton and Hove Bus and Coach Company, I suggest you are: From the leafy suburbs around Brighton, elderly, young and at school or disabled.

But don't be unemployed (unless you're also one or more of the above) because a return journey, if you live within the former Centrefare area, will now cost you 40p extra (an increase of 25 per cent), regardless.

Given if you are low-paid employed it will be the same, and even if you buy the "new" Centrefare non-single ticket, what's "new" is that it costs £2.20 (an increase of 10 per cent), instead of £2 as at present.

Guess who are the winners and losers from this four-month experiment?

-F. Robinson, Arundel Terrace, Brighton