Lewes maintained their unbeaten record in Ryman League Division Three, but made hard work of beating Wingate & Finchley 2-0 at the Dripping Pan last night.

In a cagey opening it was the visitors who created the first chance on nine minutes but Dean O'Neil headed straight at Lewes keeper Graham Leach.

Four minutes later the home side took the lead when Danny Davis raced clear and, although he was challenged, Warren Bagnall was on hand to tuck away the loose ball.

A good save midway through the first half by Michael Kalli denied Sam Francis and ten minutes into the second half Francis was again thwarted by Kalli who tipped away a fiercely struck angled shot.

Lewes continued to spurn chances with Richard Hudson being the culprit. On the hour mark he couldn't decide whether to shoot or pass and in the end did neither.

But Hudson made the game safe in the 89th minute, much to the relief of the home crowd, when he headed in a Paul Stokes cross to keep the Rooks on course for promotion.