Police cracked down on three New Year raves in Hove and Shoreham because they considered them to be dangerous.

But organisers of the events are denying the venues were death traps and have resolved to hold some more.

It is plain raves will continue to be held at disused buildings in the area because there is a demand, whatever the safety problems.

Yet the deaths of eight people at an event in The Netherlands on the same night demonstrated the dangers that abound.

There has to be a meeting of minds on this issue.

On the one hand we have rave organisers commandeering buildings and feeling they can do what they like.

On the other, we have the police applying the full weight of the law to a one-night stand and being labelled killjoys into the bargain.

Talks could be held on the basis that raves are going to be staged, even if they're not in approved buildings, but that safety should still be a prime objective for both sides.