When the West Pier in Brighton was chosen to receive National Lottery cash three years ago, restoration was set for the start of 2000.

But a year has passed and the Grade One listed pier is still derelict.

What's more, the earliest possible date for a start on the project is spring 2002.

It has been far more difficult than anyone imagined putting a package together that will please Brighton and Hove Council, English Heritage, the Heritage Lottery Fund, the private sector partner and the Brighton West Pier Trust.

Crucial to the success of the restored pier will be a building on either side of the pier on the lower promenade.

This is necessary for the scheme to be viable but the design has to harmonise with a magnificent pier and a conservation area.

Despite the delays, there is still a good chance of success.

The council is keen and the trust is in good hands. The private sector partner, St Modwen, is raring to go.

There will be other obstacles before the renovation is complete. But the will, expertise and cash are all in place.

Restoring the pier will not only bring a beautiful building back into use but it will also be a big economic boost for the new city.